Suspension Bondage is for Lazy Tops

They say that the key to a good blog post is saying something controversial, hence the title. It’s not a joke, though; fair warning, what you read here may anger you. Either at me, at yourself, or at your top, depending. At Shibaricon I was a bit busy. Which is kind of like saying Ms.[…]

How to Find the Perfect Play Partner

It’s funny, when I’m looking over my Google Reader. I’ve got a strange mishmash of feeds…Twisted Monk and Mistress Matisse and Ten and Mollena, of course, but then it veers into Lifehacker and Mnmlist and Hardcore Zen. Then we take another only slight turn to the right into productivity and entrepreneurial blogs like Seth Godin[…]

The Numbers of Kink

You may have heard: recently I joined the staff of the Kink Academy (affiliate link) as their “Editor Extraordinaire”. I get to get my hands dirty with video again, creating short segments of the best sex educators around sharing their stuff. Yesterday I edited a piece on eye contact for intimacy, a piece on warming[…]

Must-See Video: The Twisted Monk YouTube Channel

File under: Awesome People Passionate About What They Do. My dear friend, mentor, and inspiration, Twisted Monk, has his own YouTube Channel! It’s not got the racier stuff, due to the TOS of the prudes at YouTube (unless, I guess, you’re Rihanna) but judging from the first video, it’s going to be a must-subscribe for[…]