Tonight: Graydancer Joins on the Upper Floor

Tonight, I get to be the guest of some friends and join Peter Acworth and his house slaves and guests at an Upper Floor Party. To say Im excited would be quite an understatement. If youd like to watch (yes, this will be a live broadcast of Victorian-style debauchery) you can subscribe here:;204405:revshare:THEUPPERFLOOR,424/

Support NYC SexBlogger Calendar & the Woodhull Foundation

It’s that time of year again! I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the NYC Sexblogger Calendar posse since the first year they started, mainly in the form of publicizing their work through interviews, blog posts, the occasional scandalously flirtatious tweet exchange with Debauched Diva… And, of course, I would also buy a day.[…]