Wanton Wednesday: “It’s Own Reward”

Read all the Wank Wednesday erotic stories for Patience on Ruby Kiddell’s blog Monsieur stopped her before she took off the coat. “Patience, mademoiselle.” He pulled it back up over her shoulders and straightened the lapels as she looked at him. Her pale blue eyes were slightly pleading, mostly incredulous, trying to convey the urgency[…]

Why is it…

Why is it that when I ask for a pair of hands, a brain comes attached? – Henry Ford, as quoted in The Personal MBA Ran across this quote this morning, and my brain automatically started going through permutations that ranged from the silly to the scandalous to the profound. Why is it that when[…]

How to Find the Perfect Play Partner

It’s funny, when I’m looking over my Google Reader. I’ve got a strange mishmash of feeds…Twisted Monk and Mistress Matisse and Ten and Mollena, of course, but then it veers into Lifehacker and Mnmlist and Hardcore Zen. Then we take another only slight turn to the right into productivity and entrepreneurial blogs like Seth Godin[…]