Details will be put out later, but please mark your calendars now and think about coming out to Madison, WI, the home of the Ropecast and the birthplace of Graydancer’s Ropetastic Unconference Extravaganza!
The event will be held in a variety of locations in Madison, and registration and other details will be forthcoming. However, one thing you do not need to ask is “Who’s going to be teaching?” The Unconference is taught by them that shows up, and so if you want to find out, you have to come yourself.
A few questions coming up:
- How Much? I don’t know yet, but past GRUE’s have been as cheap as $15 or as much as $50. We aim to cover expenses only, and don’t have to pay anything for presenters. We’ll let you know as soon as registration opens.
- How Old? GRUE’s are open to all adults: that means 18 and up, in terms of age. In terms of behavior, well, we do our best.
- How Far? People have been known to travel amazing distances over frozen tundra to come to GRUEs. If you would like to come in from out of town, contact me and we’ll see about hooking you up with crash space.
- How Many? Dunno. The space will easily accommodate up to 60 people, maybe more. But, as the principle says, whoever shows up are the right people.
As soon as more details come up, we’ll let you know. But keep the date in mind…