If you’ve used that nifty link there on your right to order Jujun (released in dead tree edition on Aug. 15) you have a nice surprise in your e-mail: a PDF full-version of the novel right NOW. It’s released under creative commons, so feel free to go ahead and send it to 5,10, hell, 200 friends – remember they might want to read the first book, NAWASHI, first though. It’s available over there on the right, too – again, a free e-book.
But Jujun, for now, is only available in print through that pretty book cover over there on the right. What are you waiting for?
update: now, when you order, you will be taken to a super-secret page where you can download it yourself!- GD.
In spite of my aversion to reading online, i couldn’t resist devouring Jujun in the pdf version. Now to get my hands on the print version and make notes in the margins!
Excellent, excellent read! Thanks Graydancer!