The auction ended about eight hours after it started, with a very generous donation. I have interviewed him (yes, it’s a him, though that means nothing about the gender of the character) and we are all set to begin work on the book. While he’s the only one who gets to see everything I write, you can see excerpts as I go on my NaNoWriMo page.
As this is going to take up a lot of time in November, any donations or new “Graydancer’s Cuppa” signups would be VERY welcome. Thanks for your support!
Want to go on a wild ride with me?
NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month – it’s a project done every year by thousands of people all over the world, to write a novel of 50,000 words or more in a month. I’ve done it twice – once producing my novel Nawashi, and the next year producing the sequel, Jujun. I’m gearing up now to do it again, and I have a helluva story to tell – Twisted Monk himself, upon hearing about it, said it was “…fucking brilliant!” It’s set in the same world as the other two, but with all new characters.
And I’d like you to be one of them.
More than that, I’d like to take you along with me on this month-long journey through the mind and words of an author under pressure. So I’ve opened an e-bay auction for the role. What am I auctioning off? Glad you asked.
- Before November 1, I will interview you to do character development, designing a major character in the book to be based on you. I’ll even use your name if you’d like, or keep it as anonymous as possible. I’m not talking about a minor character that gets killed in Chapter 2, either. I’m talking a major, plot-developing pivotal role guaranteed to survive until at least the last chapter (I make no guarantees after that, though). The character may be evil, may be good, may be a sultry lust-kitten of doom. But the basis will be you.
- When November hits, we’re off. Normally NaNoWriMo authors will post excerpts of their work every day or so, just to show where they’re at. You, the winner of the auction, will get unrestricted access – as in, everything I write in the book. You’ll see my brain in it’s naked twisted creative glory, see the parts I take out, the parts that I wish I could keep, you’ll get the whole thing as it happens.
- Every week in November we’ll get in touch via voice – either Skype or phone – and chat for ½ hour about the book, the characters, your thoughts and my plans for the characters and plot. Now, this doesn’t give you creative control over the book at all – but it does give you input, and I may steal – er, that is, listen to your ideas as we go, as well.
- Finally, you get some tangible goodies as well. There is a necklace that will figure heavily in the plot – an amber necklace, designed by my own davalochka. This is a real object – an actual piece of jewelry. It’s going to be a prime factor in the conflicts and motivations. And at the end of the month…you get it. For keeps.
- One more thing (yes, I’m a Mac user, why do you ask?)…you also will get, at the end, a copy of the book printed through Lulu.com. And on that book, it will say “by Graydancer, with [insert your name here]”. Because if I’ve spent that much time with you on this book, you deserve to have your name on it.
The auction is going to be short – three days only. So tell your friends, pool your funds, and get in on part of one of the hottest BDSM urban fantasy novels ever written in November! Click here for the ebay auction – after October 18th, it’s done, and you’ll just have to wait for the book.