Due to some problems with the publishing process, the actual release of the dead-tree version of the book is going to be Monday or Tuesday of this week. Here’s a sneak preview of the cover (it will be 5.25″x8″ in size):

The Cover for the Nawashi~Jujun Omnibus
But, since I’m running late, that also means that you can still pre-order. When the book goes to print, it will cost $20 plus shipping; right now, you can get it for $15 plus FREE shipping. But that’s only going to last a couple more days, so now is the time…
(Meanwhile, I’m just thrilled that I have my own ISBN number now! Squee!)
i ordered the omnibus last week and im still waiting for the ebook version. and any new info on when the dead tree version will ship? i cant wait!
The publisher is having problems with the cover – it’s annoying, but I’m hoping to have it fixed today. When you ordered the omnibus, you should have been directed to a page with the download for the e-book – I’ll send it to you via email right now, just to make sure you get it. Thanks for your patience!