You may have heard that a lovely chap by the name of Monk will be attending the Hartford GRUE. He’s quite the twisted little fellow, with lots of maniacal ideas for bodies and rope and steel and such. He’s also been known to sell, on occasion, the FINEST HAND-CONDITIONED ORGANIC HEMP ROPE IN THE UNIVERSE!!
Oh, and he’s the official sponsor of a little podcast, too. FEATURING A TWO-PART INTERVIEW WITH CLAIRE-FUCKING-ADAMS, W000T!!1!
Ahem. Where was I? Ah, yes.
Here’s the thing: he also would like to help make sure that everyone coming to the Hartford GRUE has the opportunity to get the rope they want. Towards that end, he has put together the “GRUE Kit” for attendees. This basic kit consists of the aforesaid hemp rope, as follows: (Rope Size, rope length, number of ropes, retail cost):
6mm 30′ 3 $99
6mm 15′ 2 $33
8mm 30′ 1 $33
4mm 15′ 2 $33
Shears $ 5
I’m not good with math, but that adds up to a retail cost of $200 and change.
Hartford GRUE attendees get this kit for $159. Plus they won’t pay shipping, as he’s bringing it with him.
Or, if they want a special color, or a different kit, they can order any stock at 15% off.
If you want to buy the rope, contact Monk directly: Abbey phone 206-938-7527, via email, or via twitter (twisted monk).
This deal is ONLY for attendees of the Hartford GRUE. Hopefully we can extend it to other GRUEpees later, but for now, this is a test run.
Enjoy, and I’ll see you all there!
I noticed that in all of your posts, you have not yet mentioned the venue for the GRUE in Hartford. The location is at the Society’s play space, and is ok to talk about.
You can find info for the Society at
Paul (aka. DaSade)
The Society