Hajime Kinoko & Asagi Ageha in Culture X
I have a real love-hate relationship with this video. On the one hand, it does some things right, such as referring to to the “art” as kinbaku, and linking the “rope culture” of Japan to the practice. On the other hand, starting from the Ubiquitous Zen Flute Riff when they show the “happy, sunny” Japan,[…]
It’s Fucking Art, Bitches.
With all the disagreements about whether or not rope is an art or not (which I’m not interested, really, in talking about any more) I thought I’d just share with you some of the progress that fine artist Nancy Peach has been making on the painting she’s doing of me and MinxGrrl. You can see[…]
Beyond Words
A short film that conveys pretty well why some of us bother with all this rope & connection shit.
Perfection is the Death of Passion
If I didn’t worship Gar Reynolds as the Last, Best Hope Against Powerpoint, I might resent him. A long while back I did a keynote at the Austin Ropecraft Symposium based around the concept of “Rope Naked.” I’m still pretty proud of that speech, and its delivery. Gar has actually written an entire book called[…]
Shibari in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
I suppose I should start out by explaining to those of you here hoping for a rope-and-steampunk post that this is not it. The title rather refers to a rather overquoted but nonetheless pivotal essay by Walter Benjamin called “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” It’s a fascinating article in its own way, if[…]
A Smorgasbord of Smut for Your Senses
Not a lot of high-falutin’ philosophy this time around, but rather, a selection of music, video, and image to delight your kinky senses. Step right up, gentlemen make way for the ladies*, all for the cost of a click (or a donation, as you’ll see there on your right) you too can revel in the[…]