Office Hours with Graydancer

July 26, 2011

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to become involved with the crew at the Kink Academy. I started as a teacher, and appreciated the fact that they really seemed to value their presenters, treating them with respect and actually paying them for their knowledge, as well as the demo bottoms. Plus, it gave me an excuse to hang out with some amazing hot women.

Now I’m excited to offer something new as part of my association with KinkAcademy:

Office Hours

What they are: Once a week, for one hour, I will open a USTream show at the Graydancer Channel (if you ever lose the link, just do a search on for “Graydancer”). I will post the times here on this page, and also be amenable to adjusting the times depending on my schedule and yours.

Got questions related to the stuff I’ve taught on the site? Or just in general? Need a quick “how to tie” a certain knot, or want to brag about your latest make-out session? That’s what this is for, and at the very least I’m hoping for an interesting conversation or three.

Who gets to come: Anyone who has signed up with Kink Academy or Passionate U through my affiliate link will get a password to give them access to the channel. The password will change weekly, but as long as you keep your subscription to Kink Academy, you’ll get the new password each week.

How much we talkin’ about? Currently, Kink Academy has three kinds of plans:

  • $14.95 USD per 30 days – Ongoing
  • $29.95 USD per 90 days – Ongoing (yeah, that’s getting a month free)
  • $100.00 USD per 365 days – up to 1 times (yeah, that’s like 50% off)

In other words, for less than the cost of most Cons (except, of course, for GRUEs) you get at least four new videos every week from the best educators out there (the same ones, in fact, that come to those expensive Cons). We’re going to have over 100 different educators on the site by the end of September, and they’re available to you 24/7 from anywhere you have internet.

What, so you’re in it for the money?: HA! I suppose you could say that. Kink Academy won’t charge you any more for signing up through me than signing up through anyone else. So you’re paying the same thing but getting a little bonus content and access. Meanwhile, yes, it does help keep a roof over my head, food on my plate, and lube on my…ok, well, you get what I mean.

So use the link below, register for the Kink Academy, and join me for my first Office Hours tomorrow evening at 5:50pm EST! Tomorrow’s is an “OPEN HOUSE”, so anyone’s welcome to come and talk about Kink Academy stuff!

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